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The Beginning!

YAHOO!!!! There are drum rolls going on here at Sweet Life and Farmhouse Wicks. This has been a dream of getting this website, up and going. We are happy to share our products as we are enthused about them as well. Our Farmhouse Wicks are 100% soy candles and we endeavor to keep them pthalate and vanillin free. We have been in business a year and the best compliments we have received are that these awesome candles don't cause headaches, they are clean burning with little or no soot. How great is that. I feel accomplished with just that in itself not to mention that it is our delight to run tests of scents with our employees being our best judges.

Years ago, my husband, Myron was gone for a few days. I had the little ones all around me in which I loved. However, I was missing the love of my life and felt overwhelmed at times. Out of the blue, someone called me and asked how I was doing. I don't know if I gave her a sob story, (I probably did) however, the advice she gave me was phenomenal. I did not know her and to this day have not met her, yet she was an angel sent of God. She told me that she endeavored to make her home a paradise and a happy place for her man to come home to. It helped through the times she felt alone. Now here was the best advice I could have ever had. She said it in such a way that I didn't feel she looked down on for me for feeling the way I did. It was just the way she said it had a huge impact in my life. I, to this day cannot remember her name. I would like to say thank you to her and if she should ever read this I hope she feels blessed for blessing me. The deal is, we often don't remember what we tell others yet, this is where my slogan for my shop comes from, 'Make Your Home Your Paradise.'

So now it is almost a year, the first of August that I have had my shop open to public. I have been so blessed and truly love my customers. Some chat awhile and some enjoy quietly shopping. I'm good with either. Through it all I have had my ups and downs. There have been times I woke in the night and wondered what I had got myself into. Yet, the good so far out weighs the bad. God has truly blessed me and when those customers come through the door, I don't see dollar signs, I just enjoy them. However, I do appreciate the business, how else would I keep going?

I am truly convinced everyone is worthy of being who you were made to be. I feel God is helping me do just that. In my little corner, in my own little space. I encourage you to do that as well. Be you, be your original self my friends. God opens doors to all who trust Him. Follow who you are with who God has made you to be. I sit back and marvel at what God has done for me. I feel small in what I am doing so I give all the glory and credit to the God who cares and loves everyone.

With this being said, don't compare yourself with others. Be you...the world needs who you were made to be.

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Jul 30, 2022

Robin, you are always encouraging and inspirational to others. God has truly blessed you beyond measure. May the Lord bless this new website to be an incredible outreach for your business and well as your ministry. God is writing an amazing story of your life enriched to bless you and touch so many others. The warmth and home feel atmosphere in your store encourages me to make my home filled with peace. Thank you Robin for the care you put into your business.


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