Here it is, almost September. So amazing how time flies into one season after another.
It is also Labor Day weekend and here at our house we often don't have time to celebrate the holiday.
Oh, the dreaded day of labor! It's like our own personal Groundhog Day, except instead of seeing our shadows, we're knee-deep in crops. Yup, that's right, it's harvest season - the time when we work our green thumbs to the bone. So much for a relaxing Labor Day, right? But here we go, it is reality so we will face it like warrior.
Well the season is a time of thanksgiving and rejoicing as well. It can be that way all year however
it is especially time of the year that hits us in the feels. I so love the quote, Autumn is a gentle reminder that changes can be beautiful~~~~ and this one as well, We all change colors and lose our leaves...then we bloom again. {Maria Lago} I'm in with this. Gives me courage as i morph into different colors and seasons of my life. Wishing blessings on yours!!!! : )
For the SALE~~~~~
I have the amber jars on sale. So let me explain the sale to you so there are no misuderstandings.
As I review the list of scents, I am assessing their appeal to the public and identifying those that are less popular. I am excited to have found successful scents among the testers I have tried this summer. In order to allow these winners to shine and prevent the scent list from becoming overwhelming, I believe it is necessary to remove some and introduce new ones.
On the website, you will discover three photos showcasing the jars containing discontinued scents available at a fantastic 50% discount. Remember that these scents are not bad scents however they are just not the best sellers and they are identified with these photos.
Now that I have explained them, let's move on to the scents that we will be retaining. The images of these amber jars will be displayed after this description. This collection includes three sizes: 4 oz., 9 oz., and 16 oz. For a limited time, these candles are discounted by 25%. This offer is valid until September 3, 2024.
The new scents will not be available yet since we are still in the process of creating them. They will be ready for purchase after Labor Day.
Here are the three different sizes available... check out these photos on the website to get a 25% discount on these beauties.