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Equal Opportunity

Here we go again, you may say as this blog seems so similar to one I had awhile back. Yip, its on my mind and here we go again.....

News brings us the stories of the homeless in Seattle, Oregon, California and other places in rather large cities. They are right in all of our home towns. Sometimes I sit and ponder if it is overplayed? Is it true? Yet, here I am just a small country girl in Missouri and have not heard the personal stories of these people. I do not know if life has thrown them some hard curves or if it is their choice? So I am careful with judgments that could be so far from the truth. And, so I sit here and contemplate of the possibilities. I am struck with the thought that God is no respecter of persons. He loves me no more and no less than these people, so should not equal opportunity be given to them as well? Sometimes my perceptions come only from where I have been and what has influenced me. If I would sit and chat with the homeless would they feel I had better opportunity? I don't have the answer to that at all until I would hear their side. Yet, who of us haven't faced challenges in life that we could have thrown are hands up and said, "I'm Done!!!"

Have you had a hope, a dream, a wish that came tumbling down and it wasn't for you to claim? Have you ever been so far down when it felt dark and there was no way out? Maybe you have tried to explain yourself, said you were sorry, only to be doubted by someone you loved, and it all fell apart. Maybe you had a dream and someone threw cold water on it and you began to doubt yourself? If you have not, I rejoice with you. While I do not wish anything negative to come someones way, there is a way. Yet, come with me to a homeless camp, let's try to sit where they sit. I believe most of them have had some pretty hard knocks. What I can say with confidence and not be mistaken in quoting that all of them have talents, as God does not make junk only to live out an unfulfilled life. I believe they are throwing their talents under the bus letting them be crushed under the wheels. They have succumbed to defeat and feeling alone. Only, they are not alone as they only can listen to another story much like their own. Yet, so alone in climbing out of what they have been given or chosen.

This subject has been on my mind for some time. Only sometimes while we are looking at the down and out, the destitute, the broken, the defeated and the depressed, how many times do we succumb to those feelings in a smaller or similar measure. My encouragement for this is a reminder, God does not make junk and no one can take away what you are in God. We will have things thrown at us, discouragements, defeats and people that aren't for you. Our strength comes from the God who made us even though others have very valuable places in our lives.

I once had a history teacher in junior high school. We changed class every hour and so he taught history as his solo interest. One day he told me, "You have the ability if you would just use it." Guys and gals, that made me sit up in my chair and it woke me out of my slumber. He believed in me and saw possibilities. That year, when the awards were handed out, I won the award along with a good friend of mine. It meant a lot to me. I dressed up for the day of the awards assembly and walked up there with confidence to claim the small metal I had earned. So many times I have thought of the value and the belief in me that he had and my heart warms even yet. My dear husband knows how spontaneous I am when things go south for me and get out of hand. I just want to throw things under the bus and say, "I quit." His words of wisdom stay with me as well, "Put a block behind the wheel and don't let your emotions take you back down the hill." Whew!!! Sometimes I feel he surely must weary with me of forgetting and needing reminding again. But no, here he is again, telling me again. Oh the words of encouragers. Listen up!!! They are there. Pay attention to the ones who believe in you, cheer you on, won't let you quit. Maybe you are in the wrong place at the wrong time for those encouragements to come. Maybe you are trying to keep up with the popular bunch? Maybe you are in the popular bunch and wonder why you still feel alone. Sit with a friend that you don't think is on your same page. Listen up. You will hear things you will need. Find a new bunch if need be. Find the encouragers. When we come to the right place in life, we need everyone.

Perhaps, most of all and the most important, is be an encourager. I believe that door is wide open with no restrictions. Opportunities abound in this field. God is faithful my friend. Take courage and be and encourager even when it seems encouragers are few for you. He will reward you and bless you. Walking by a homeless? Tell him he's valuable in God's sight. Find someone without a smile? Give them a genuine compliment. No flatteries here. Most people do not do well with that kind of supposed encouraging.

Today, beYOUtiful. Today, be the best version of you. Y'all have a wonderfully awesome day. Love y'all and want to see your success in just being the genuine, unadulterated you who God formed and made you to be.

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