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Catch Life (if you can)

Have you ever watched a professional juggler? I become exhausted just watching him and trying to figure out just how he keeps the balls bouncing and never loses one. I wonder if that is how he lives his life? Does he ever have a quiet moment or does lie awake at night juggling balls in his head? Maybe, he is able to juggle everyday life that way?

Maybe it reminds me of my life and that is why the blood pressure in my vessels climb and my heart goes to beating faster? I don't mind the entertainment for a short bit however if I would pick and choose between a quiet peaceful lake setting and a juggler, I would find the lake setting would bring me joy because that is what I choose for life to be. But no, it is often not one way or another in real life as it is way more colorful than both of those scenes. Together with both, it makes life much more interesting. If we would choose to sit beside the peaceful lake enjoying the views 24/7, would we really appreciate the catches of beauty that are here so fleeting?

When I was raising my family, I would sit and rock my babies to sleep and all the while I'd be saying to them, "oh, don't grow up, I want you in my arms forever." The next minute, "oh no, do grow up, I want to see you enjoy the life that you have been given." I knew at the time they weren't meant to stay with me forever as God only gave them to me to care for them for Him. At times I could not enjoy it enough at the moment. Yet, when I look back at those times, I see, it was so much more fleeting than the actual moment was at the time. I was rocking my baby and babies don't keep, but...... there were schedules to meet. Places to go, people to see, groceries to buy, meals to cook, laundry piles to be done, houses to be cleaned just like the snow falling on the sidewalk, clothes to be purchased for ever growing offsprings, lessons to teach, shoes to tie, boo boos to care for, (including hurt feelings,) getting up at night to calm a child with a nightmare or a sick one and the list goes on forever and ever. Oh what good jugglers moms become. The strength of moms, no wonder we become feeling like we should be superwomen. My husband always reminded me I didn't need to be, as I expected myself to work tirelessly juggling the balls of schedules. But no, wait, God is so good He gives us the strength, the time and all in what He wants us to do. He wraps His arms around us showing us what He wants of us. Sometimes it is just time to let it go. While it is good for our kiddos to have sense of decency and order, we can be too decent and orderly. There are so many ways to look at this with all of our colorful personalities. We all need to do a little more or a little less when it comes to decent and orderly. I do not have the answers for all of the pickles that we find ourselves in. However, I do know of one answer that each mom can have. It is not a cut and dried answer for every mom, even if it is all from the same source. God cares for us women (and men, I can't write from a mans viewpoint as I've never known the answers for men even though I would say it is similar) He wants us to thrive. Sit back in a quiet setting, by a peaceful lake if need be. Let God speak. He will answer you with what is important for you and yours. His plan fits perfectly for you and your needs. Don't try to fit your neighbors plan into yours. Maybe a busy mother that is doing something for others all the while managing her household looks on to the quieter mother who gets done what she does in a quieter way, and wishes she could be more like her. 2 Corinthians 10:12, For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. Whew!! Are not wise. There we have it. YOU are free to be YOU!!! Be the beautiful self that God made. Your husband and children will thank you for it. A happy mother makes a happy family.

Time has come where we are empty nesters and I just don't know how to quit juggling. I must love to juggle too much to quit. We are still us, we stay the same even if we are getting what my 8 year old grandson said I am, old!!! LOL. Some enjoy this time in relaxation. Our work of raising a family is over. Some have more of a time to adjust to a quiet house, no youth coming in, no chatting around the supper table at the end of the day, our grocery bill dwindles and you and hubby are happy with avocado toast for supper. It is a good time of life. I for one have made myself busy. It is time for me to be creative, to enjoy those interests that I put away while my children that I was so richly blessed with, was put away. Yet, I so much need Jesus. I can get carried away with my interests. Not long ago, I had extended myself too much. My husband felt my restlessness in the night. I woke in wonder during the night and wasn't sleeping well.I felt like God was trying to tell me something. At first, I didn't like his suggestion to let this one thing go in my life however God was good once again to help me to see what I needed to let go. A breath of refreshment came upon me and I felt I was soaring again. I was juggling too much, getting carried away with all my interests. Do we need to feel bad for who we are? No! God delights in who He has made. I don't have the answer for my own life in where those boundaries are. I rest in God because I know He knows and He is good. It is very important to be exactly who God has made us to be yet in the quiet of the night, in the stillness of the morning, in the noonday, stop and listen...He is there. Our thinking may be all wrong who He wanted us to be. I love what I'm doing, I love the store I have, the candles that we make, and the customers who walk through my door. I love to see them living the life they love. Yet, I want to love God more, my husband, and my family. They are first in my life then all else follows.

I close with this thought for me and you, my friend, to love Jehovah your God, and serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul. Deuteronomy 11:13 All else will take its place. Not a one time deal for me though. Every now and then I have to refocus, recommit and always be open to what He wants. Have a great day.

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