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if ever you read one of my inspirational books that I have read, you will find underlining and highlighting of words. I would be glad to loan them to you however I'm certain you would not find the words as meaningful as they are to me. not because I have better understanding at all. we just are different people from different walks of life that are on different journeys. our impressions and needs are different from each other.
on the flip side of the coin we may be the same as the other. you just never know. we humans can be complex. I'm good with that. today we may think different, tomorrow we may think alike.
life is just that way. we change as the seasons, the tides, the sand, the rivers and different ways of nature change. experiences in life change us as we go. what someone says can change us.
that is why books are so wonderful. they take us places we have never been, experiences that we have never experienced, to lands where we may never go. there are as many books out there as there are personalities. some books don't interest one person while the other finds great interest in them. dates, facts, and history events greatly interest some and they can retain a lot of it, while some enjoy just stories of real life happenings, where they sit where someone else has sat and feel what they have felt. some like the novelty of reading fiction. some like prose and poetry. we are all so different. and I love that. I would so love to hear about the reading you enjoy. winter is often when I have more time to read. I love a cozy place, a hot drink, a throw over most of me. I just feel the cozy hygge of it all. however I know of some that like beach side reading as well. whatever you enjoy, be you, I just love that. I would recommend for myself books that are wholesome, uplifting, that have good endings. ones that don't leave me with melancholy feelings. but that's my choice. I choose to be me. Just finished listening to a story while driving with my husband on a lovely trip to the south. The Orphan Keeper by Camron Wright. I suggest this good read. It is a true story and I am certain most of you may like it. Tell me the stories you love in the comments below. Good Day to you all.